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portraits, landscape &
life drawing
Creating is a compulsion; it’s in my very essence. As a young child I would practice my drawing skills using my mum’s ruby red lipstick on the magnolia walls of our council home. I never really planed to become an artist if anything I was strongly guided away from such ideas for my own safety, however the fates were not so easy to persuade and so, after a sequence of unforeseen events I found my path to an alternative world where rules were broken and boundaries pushed.
In recent years I have enjoyed discovering new mediums and developing my own personal style, my work explores layering and usually mixes multiple layers of Ink, Acrylic and Oils, (in collaboration with a simple textural printing technique). I love using loose swishing brush marks and building exciting rhythmic marks across the canvas by using all manner of tools, from credit cards, rags and newspapers to chop sticks and palette knifes. Most of my Landscapes/Portraits are exploration of colour and contrast, these seem to naturally occur within my work unconsciously. It constructs a tension between the textures/layers and the tones, making the work atmospheric and an exaggeration of a fleeting moment.
My paintings are lively and chaotic, pulling the viewer in with drama and intensive colours/lively brush marks. To balance the dynamic essence of the picture I construct areas of empty space, as it anchors the intensity and can reveals snippets of the complex layers below.